Lab News

Celebrating 50 Years of Ecology at the University of Georgia
Celebrating 50 Years of Ecology at the University of Georgia

Celebrating 50 Years of Ecology at the University of Georgia

A two day celebration event held in January 2018 commemorated the 50 years since Eugene Odum founded the Institute of Ecology at UGA, and the 10 year anniversary of the Odum School of Ecology. The event hosted Alumni keynote speakers…

New paper on critical constraints on livelihood adaptation
New paper on critical constraints on livelihood adaptation

New paper on critical constraints on livelihood adaptation

When households practicing small-scale livelihoods such as pastoralism experience increasing hardships due to environmental change, adopting a new livelihood strategy is often promoted as a way to regain food security and reduce vulnerability.  However, livelihood adaptation is a complex process,…

Liz Guinessey receives Fulbright Fellowship!
Liz Guinessey receives Fulbright Fellowship!

Liz Guinessey receives Fulbright Fellowship!

Liz Guinessey, 3rd year ICON-Ecology PhD student, just received a Fulbright Fellowship to support her innovative dissertation research, investigating ecological and social dimensions of mangrove restoration, Blue Carbon markets, and payments for ecosystem services.  Well-deserved, Liz! Congratulations!!!

Participatory process for understanding ecosystem service tradeoffs
Participatory process for understanding ecosystem service tradeoffs

Participatory process for understanding ecosystem service tradeoffs

King, E., Cavender-Bares, J., Balvanera, P., Mwampamba, T. H., & Polasky, S. (2015). Trade-offs in ecosystem services and varying stakeholder preferences: evaluating conflicts, obstacles, and opportunities. Ecology and Society, 20(3). doi: 10.5751/ES-07822-200325 (open access) This paper, just published in Ecology…