Environmental Stressors, Land Use Legacies, and Georgia’s Iconic Maritime Forests
Environmental Stressors, Land Use Legacies, and Georgia’s Iconic Maritime Forests

Environmental Stressors, Land Use Legacies, and Georgia’s Iconic Maritime Forests

Understanding the past, present, and future fate of forests on Georgia’s barrier islands is motivating a lot of work in our lab these days…. Together with Warnell faculty colleagues Nate Nibbelink and Clint Moore, we received 4 years of funding…

Liz Guinessey receives Fulbright Fellowship!
Liz Guinessey receives Fulbright Fellowship!

Liz Guinessey receives Fulbright Fellowship!

Liz Guinessey, 3rd year ICON-Ecology PhD student, just received a Fulbright Fellowship to support her innovative dissertation research, investigating ecological and social dimensions of mangrove restoration, Blue Carbon markets, and payments for ecosystem services.  Well-deserved, Liz! Congratulations!!!

Participatory process for understanding ecosystem service tradeoffs
Participatory process for understanding ecosystem service tradeoffs

Participatory process for understanding ecosystem service tradeoffs

King, E., Cavender-Bares, J., Balvanera, P., Mwampamba, T. H., & Polasky, S. (2015). Trade-offs in ecosystem services and varying stakeholder preferences: evaluating conflicts, obstacles, and opportunities. Ecology and Society, 20(3). doi: 10.5751/ES-07822-200325 (open access) This paper, just published in Ecology…